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What about poverty? Critical issue overlooked in general election

Updated: Oct 4

London 5 July 2024. Taxpayers against Poverty (TAP) welcomes the election of the new government and hopes it will be more responsive to the needs of the 14 million people living in poverty


TAP commented that poverty was virtually ignored during the campaign and none of the parties seemed to present a comprehensive and practical plan for resolving poverty


Taxpayers against Poverty is a campaigning group seeking to minimise poverty through reform of the tax system and related economic measures. TAP was founded by the late Rev Paul Nicolson, the pioneer of the Real Living Wage and persistent campaigner on behalf of those struggling financially.


TAP plans to launch a new campaign that will offer economic initiatives that will help resolve poverty. More details will be announced in coming weeks.


Tom Burgess, Chair of Taxpayers Against Poverty said:

“It was disgraceful that resolving poverty had such a low presence in the political debate during the election. This must change. There is a staggering that 14 million living in poverty in the UK, the six richest country in the world (as measured by GDP per capita). There are a few simple solutions that could make a big difference to the millions struggling every day. We need politicians that are bold enough to make strong decisions that will prioritise the poor over the wealthy.”




About Us

Taxpayers against Poverty is a campaigning group seeking to minimise poverty through reform of the tax system and related economic measures. TAP seeks to influence national and local policy with well-researched and robust evidence of hardship and promote practical policy proposals. TAP was founded by late Rev Pul Nicolson, the pioneer of the Real Living Wage and persistent campaigner who believed that no citizen should be without an affordable home and an adequate income in work or unemployment combined with access to accessible healthcare. TAP is now led by Tom Burgess and is the sister organisation to Compassion in Politics, the think tank seeking to bring more honesty, respect and kindness to the heart of politics. For


Tom Burgess

Taxpayers Against Poverty is chaired by Tom Burgess, who worked and supported Rev Paul Nicolson in his campaigning. Tom is the author of From Here to Prosperity, a practical policy agenda for a sustainable economy and greater social justice, which was very much in line with Rev Pauls view. Tom is the former CEO of an international communications firm which operated in 100 countries and has also been student union president, founder member of SDP, journalist and broadcaster and political candidate. He attended Robert Reich’s Wealth & Poverty lectures at University of California, Berkeley and worked on the Bernie 2016 campaign. Tom was chair of the Coalition for Economic Justice and founded The Real Agenda podcast series.


Media Contacts

Tom Burgess, Taxpayers Against Poverty, 0788 772 4285

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